Pepper Petersen
President and CEO
The President and CEO of the Montana Cannabis Guild, Pepper brings a legacy of cannabis industry innovation to the organization. He is the co-founder of Coalition406 and was the Political Director for New Approach Montana’s 2020 campaign to end cannabis prohibition in Montana. Pepper is also a proud craft cannabis producer.
As descendant of early American patriots, cannabis farmers, and merchants who traded with President George Washington and formed the first cannabis co-op in America, Pepper carries the banner of more than 300 years of proud American cannabis cultivation from Colonial days to the nascent recreational industry here in Montana.
He holds a Bachelors in Political Science, a Masters Degree in Nonprofit Management, and a Masters Certificate in International Commodity Trading from Rhodes College.
Since 2007, Pepper has worked with clients in the Montana Medical Marijuana provider community on business management, marketing, branding, and public and government affairs; he is excited to lead the Montana Cannabis Guild into a bright future.